Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Other Survival Handgun

Few weapons can compete with the Glock 19 as a survival handgun, but we recommend that everyone own a small, concealable weapon in an alternative caliber. The logic behind this is that in a survival situation you might not be able to get your hands on your preferred caliber. The two most popular handgun calibers are probably 9mm and 40S&W, if only because those calibers service the vast majority of government small arms. Assuming a primary G19, you might want an M&P Shield in .40 as your back up piece. Another alternative is .380ACP (9mm kurtz). This ammo has the disadvantage of being far less common than either of the previous two calibers, but the advantage of being in far less demand in a large scale SHTF scenario. M&P Shield below:

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